
Friday, 23 August 2019

Poem - Space

Space Mighty and Vast, 
One star  that shines so bright. 
Stops comets in front of it from taking flight 
What an awe filled sight,
on this brightest night, 
the planets follow into Position after seeing this beautiful bright light, 
the eclipse glows till far away that makes the rest of space sway 
in it's very own unique way.
 What a miraculous moment while the solstice goes on but then the planets shall leave again. 
The star leaves it’s glow behind 
and the comets can move around on the choice of their own mind.

Arpit Behal


Maths Tasks T3 W5 - Tapawaru

This is My maths work for the week and we learnt to understand addition and subtraction of fractions and decimals